Sunday, April 28, 2013

Are Designer Babies Ethical?

I am overwhelmed about whether designer babies are ethical.  However I do not think it is right to make sure your baby has a certain hair color or eye color.  These things don’t really matter.  I also don’t think that a person should be able  to have a designer baby if they are not ready.  There should be a test or form to fill out so that everyone is sure that this is the right choice.  A family might simply use what they need from the child and then put it up for adoption.  This would be horrible but I don’t know how messed up someone’s brain might be.  There are all sorts of bad scenarios that could happen.  I am afraid that people will take advantage of designer babies in the future.
This topic is a very tricky one, but do still think that designer babies are somewhat ethical.  There a lot more pros than cons.  If a family is ready to love and cherish the baby even though they are going to maybe use the cord blood that goes to waste anyway, I think this would be the best decision.  As long as they are not poking prodding the child their whole life.  The parents need to set a limit of how much they can take from the child.  Also the child should have as much say as the parents.  As soon as the donor doesn’t want to do it anymore, the parents need to stop the procedures.  As long as the parents love their new baby and do the right thing, I think designer babies are ethical.

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