Sunday, April 28, 2013

Depression and Greiving After Anna's Death

The whole family experienced depression.  Brian, the dad, worked round the clock shifts at the fire station.  He did this so that he would not have to go home and see that his daughter wasn’t there.  The house felt too big for the family without Anna in it.  He also developed a drinking problem and became an alcoholic.  Sarah kept thinking that Anna was going to come back to her.  She looked for signs everywhere.  Some examples of these signs are letters in spilled salt, plants that bloomed too early, and eggs with double yolks.  Kate hated herself for telling Anna to file the stupid lawsuit for emancipation.  If Anna didn't have to sign papers and then leave with the lawyer in the storm, she never would have died.  Kate sometimes stayed in her room for days with headphones on so that she would not have to listen to her mother cry.  The Fitzgeralds suffered with grief for a while after Anna’s death.
After Anna’s death, the Fitzgerald family grieved but eventually they moved on with Anna in their hearts.  Jesse went on to graduate from the police academy and was recognized by the mayor for helping out in a drug bust.  Kate graduated from high school.  She finally followed her dreams to be a ballerina and started teaching dance to little girls. Brian worked his way through his drinking problem.  Sarah basically just survives through her life but is glad that everyone is much more closer.  Anna’s death brought the family together unlike the lawsuit that tore them apart.  

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