Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Effects of the Trial

The trial affected the Fitzgerald parents in many ways.  Anna’s mother Sarah was delirious. She could not handle the fact that her own child had filed emancipation.  She started to worry about what would happen if Anna won.  She knew one thing; Kate was going to die.  I don’t think Sarah was very strong during this time.  While one of her daughters was dying, the other was going to court against her.  I feel that Brian was just plain confused from the time he found out about Anna filing emancipation to the end of the trial.  Brian honestly didn't know what to do.  It’s not everyday a kid goes against her parents in court.  I think the reason Brian works so much is that he doesn't want to deal with his home life.  He likes being a firefighter because he can at least save lives at work even though he can’t save Kate.
The kids in the family also were affected and suffered.  Kate was very sad because of the chaos.  Kate didn’t care about the kidney because she was ready to die and didn’t want Anna to give it to her.  Anna filed emancipation because of this.  Anna was the kid who was mainly affected.  She felt a lot of pressure.  She cried a lot too because she felt like she was tearing her family apart.  When  her mother told her that she needed to cancel the trial all Anna wanted to do was give her a big hug and say okay.  Anna had determination to help Kate with her plan though, so she stuck through it.  These girls didn't give up.

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