Monday, April 29, 2013

Kate and Taylor Ambrose

Kate finally met a boy who understood what she was going through with cancer. His name is Taylor Ambrose.   Kate was sitting in a chair in the hospital receiving platelets when she noticed that a cute boy was sitting next to her.  For the first time she initiated conversation with another patient and asked him what he was at the hospital.  He responded that he was there for chemo for APL which is a different kind of cancer than Kate’s cancer.  She starts to flirt with him and he asks for her number.  Her mother has been watching the scene unfold with her jaw dropped.  I think this was probably one of the few happy times in the book and I always smile to myself when I read it.
It was all fun and games for Taylor and Kate until a tragedy happened.  Kate and Taylor constantly called each other and thought about each other.  Their first date was seeing a movie together.  This may sound disgusting but I think the sweetest moment the two of them have is when Taylor bets that Kate can’t make it until three o’clock without throwing up when she is having chemotherapy.  At 2:57 Kate turns green in the face and before the nurse or her mom can get there Taylor holds the vomit basin on her chin and she throws up.  Taylor rubs her back until she is done to get her to relax.  After Kate is done with chemotherapy Taylor begins to get really nervous.  Taylor ended up asking her to a dance for sick kids like them at the hospital and she says yes.  Kate prepares for the dance over two days and on the night of the dance Kate’s mom drives the couple to dance.  They had such a great time at the dance and even kissed.  Three days later Kate is frantic when she goes to the hospital for more chemotherapy because Taylor hasn’t called her in three days.  Her mom asks the nurse if she has seen him and tragedy strikes. It turns out that Taylor is dead.  Sarah doesn't tell Kate until a month later when she is doing well with the cancer.  Kate is devastated and mad at her mom when she finds out.

1 comment:

  1. The Blog looks so cool omg omg omg :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    - Alex Lumsden.........................
